Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Miss Maggie

Maggie my dog!

M oves fast

A rf! arf!

G ood dog

G ives you "the eyes"

I s sweet

E ats people food


Susan Hosken said...

I love your poem about Maggie. I just learnt how to do these sorts of poems in my writers group.
lots of love from susan in australia

ArtPropelled said...

Oh such a sweet looking dog! I love the poem too especially "Eats people food". My dogs wish they were humans too.

queencraftygirl said...

My dog inspired for me to write this poem when she came out from her hiding spot to snuggle in my lap. When she is scared she always follows me or my mom around the house and she barks and knocks me over on the ground and starts licking me when she thinks I am hurt. She is small but she always tries to protect me. I love Maggie!

Thank you, I think she cute too, sometimes I can't stand it when looks at me with her big brown eyes and begs at the table, then I have to give her some of my food! I think every dog wants to be human!
