Monday, March 1, 2010

Lion Collage

Hi Everyone,
I've been oober busy, I just recently bruised my neck muscles, and sprained my ankle and have been dealing with piles of homework. So I haven't been doing much of anything crafty lately, but I made a little magazine collage of a lion yesterday.

So, here ya go!

P.S. I miss you guys!

Love, Queeny

Collage of a Collage

The back

The Front


ArtPropelled said...

Such an exciting collage Queeny! I love the colours and the numbers. Glad to see you blogging again and hope the neck and ankle heals quickly. Sounds like you were playing hockey.

queencraftygirl said...

Thanks, Robyn!

The numbers are my favorite part :) Thank you, haha, nope not hockey, just clumsy me.

Neck= Hit my head on a chair

Ankle= got stepped on, and tripped on.

Queeny C.G.